Volumes: Zine & Collage Workshop #3

30 May 2015 | 14:00

Eintritt frei, Kollekte für Materialkosten.

Der Workshop findet auf Englisch und Deutsch statt. / The Workshop will be held in English and German.


To book your place: volumes.zurich@gmail.com with the title «workshop #3»

Zine & Collage Workshop: an afternoon of zine making through collage. Join us to look at the practices of collage within different artistic movements, browse through a variety of international zines, and create your first collage zine.

A Zine is a small circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images. Frequently reproduced via a photocopier and bound with staples, zines are very individualised and are informed by the punk and DIY (Do It Yourself) ethos. The topics covered by zines are broad. They can be dedicated to art, design, poetry, politics, subcultures, fanfiction, short stories etc. The majority of zines are produced in editions of fewer than 100, and profit is not the primary intent of publication.

Collage (from the french coller = to glue) consists in the creation of an ensemble by pasting cuttings of already existing pictures, illustrations or photos. The origins of collage can be traced back hundreds of years, but the technique made a dramatic reappearance in the early part of 20th century as an art form of novelty. A collage may include fragments of newspaper or magazine, portions of texts, photographs or other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or a canvas. By fragmenting and recombining existing text and images, new content and meaning can be created in a playful way. The reconstruction can be done arbitrarily or intentionally.

Workshop run by Anne-Laure Franchette and Patrizia Mazzei.

Workshop #3 at Kassette, the pictures:

VOLUMES is a non profit organisation initiated by Anne-Laure Franchette and ran in collaboration with Gloria Wismer (book fair) and Patrizia Mazzei (workshops).
We organise events dedicated to independent publishing and are based in Zürich, Switzerland.

Email address: volumes.zurich@gmail.com
Blog address: http://volumes-zurich.tumblr.com
Find Volumes, Independent Publishing Fair on Facebook

Participation is free. Donations accepted to cover the cost for materials.

Workshop #1 (at Corner College)

Workshop #2 (at ZhdK)

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